47 research outputs found

    Impacto del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad en el Comportamiento Empresarial: Un enfoque neurobiológico

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    The objective was to study the relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and entrepreneurial behavior, specially in characteristics such as risk-taking, creativity, and decision-making. Three groups of ten individuals (5 women; age 36.3 ± 14.0) were selected using social media platforms: one group with ADHD (four participants), one group of entrepreneurs (three participants), and one control group without ADHD or entrepreneurial experience (three participants). 10-question interviews, tailored to their respective profiles, were conducted individually via Zoom. After interviews transcriptions, significant statements were extracted for data analysis. Participants were also instructed to play the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) from an online platform to assess decision-making and risk-taking. Individual data were compiled, compared and statistically processed with Microsoft Excel. As results, comparing interview statements between individuals with ADHD, entrepreneurs, and the control group, in terms of risk-taking, attention, and creativity showed that individuals with ADHD can bring unique traits and skills to entrepreneurship, while entrepreneurs have specific strategies for managing distractions and maintaining focus. The control group emphasizes organization and analysis rather than creativity. The findings from the IGT suggested that people with ADHD may exhibit impulsive tendencies and difficulty evaluating the long-term consequences of their actions. Entrepreneurs were willing to take calculated risks to seize opportunities and achieve their goals, and they were also aware of the need to limit risk and make prudent decisions to protect their investments. The control group highlighted the individual differences in risk-taking in randomly selected individuals, without any special condition. They showed a certain caution in opting for low-risk choices. In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of considering individual and contextual factors in decision-making processes, incorporating neurobiological aspects of ADHD. Although available data did not directly examine the influence of these factors on entrepreneurship success, it highlights the significance of understanding the complex influences involved in decision-making.El objetivo fue estudiar la relación entre el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) y el comportamiento emprendedor, especialmente en características como la asunción de riesgos, la creatividad y la toma de decisiones. Se seleccionaron tres grupos de diez personas (5 mujeres; edad 36,3 ± 14,0) mediante plataformas de redes sociales: un grupo con TDAH (cuatro participantes), un grupo de emprendedores (tres participantes) y un grupo de control sin TDAH ni experiencia empresarial (tres Participantes). Se realizaron entrevistas de 10 preguntas, adaptadas a sus respectivos perfiles, de forma individual a través de Zoom. Después de la transcripción de las entrevistas, se extrajeron declaraciones significativas para el análisis de datos. También se instruyó a los participantes para que jugaran Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) desde una plataforma en línea para evaluar la toma de decisiones y la asunción de riesgos. Los datos individuales fueron recopilados, comparados y procesados estadísticamente con Microsoft Excel. Como resultados, la comparación de declaraciones de entrevistas entre personas con TDAH, emprendedores y el grupo de control, en términos de asunción de riesgos, atención y creatividad, mostró que las personas con TDAH pueden aportar características y habilidades únicas al emprendimiento, mientras que los emprendedores tienen estrategias específicas para administrar distracciones y mantener el enfoque. El grupo control enfatiza la organización y el análisis más que la creatividad. Los hallazgos del IGT sugirieron que las personas con TDAH pueden exhibir tendencias impulsivas y dificultad para evaluar las consecuencias a largo plazo de sus acciones. Los emprendedores estaban dispuestos a asumir riesgos calculados para aprovechar las oportunidades y lograr sus objetivos, y también eran conscientes de la necesidad de limitar el riesgo y tomar decisiones prudentes para proteger sus inversiones. El grupo control destacó las diferencias individuales en la asunción de riesgos en individuos seleccionados al azar, sin ninguna condición especial. Mostraron cierta cautela al optar por opciones de bajo riesgo. En conclusión, el estudio subraya la importancia de considerar factores individuales y contextuales en los procesos de toma de decisiones, incorporando aspectos neurobiológicos del TDAH. Aunque los datos disponibles no examinaron directamente la influencia de estos factores en el éxito empresarial, destacan la importancia de comprender las influencias complejas involucradas en la toma de decisiones

    Spatial projection of input-ouput tables for small areas

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    Studies on regional economy have achieved a huge expansion in the last decades. In particular, from an input-ouput optic many efforts have been devoted to carring out a suitable methodology, which enable us to cover the overall and exhaustive knowledge of the economic reality of one region. Given that a input-output table (IOT) gathers both intersectorial relationships and the final demand of the economy, it allows us to provide a reliable picture of one economy in a certain moment of time. Nonetheless, the elaboration of a IOT is a complex task, which needs many human and economic resources. Thus, most of the tables elaborated using direct methods have as a benchmark frame either a country or a region, although it is difficult to find matrices related to smaller geografic spaces like, for instance, counties. So, if we attempt to perform a deeper study of both spaces, it would be of great help if we could dispose of estimation methods, which enable us to make tables with less information, i.e, indirect (semidirect) methods of estimation. Let´s say that the economy of a region is determined by the relations among productive structures of their counties, therefore a previous knowledge of these productive structures can be interesting. The basic aim of this work consists of estimating a TIO for each one of the eight Asturian Counties in 1995, since this is the last period in which we possess published information relative to regional accounts. To this end, a technique focused on mathematical theory of the information: cross entropy, will be employed. Such a technique has lately been applied to the construction of regional tables, largely for two reasons: one, flexibility as regards the information it needs; the other, to produce some rather suitable empiric results. From the tables estimates by this method we will be able to know the characteristics of economic structures of the counties. To achieve this scope, tools related to the graph theory, have been applied. Their application in input-output analisis has a great potential to provide a simple vision of the relations between the different sectors, as well as being able to integrate matters as important as the relative positions of the sectors, their orientation or paths in which drive the economic influence inside the corresponding structure.

    Caracterización de las condiciones edafoclimaticas del cultivo de durazno (prunus persica) en los municipios de Concepcion y Cerrito, Santander, Colombia.

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    Actualmente se ha venido incrementando el área sembrada del cultivo de durazno en los municipios de Concepción y Cerrito, generando modelos productivos rentables y empleo en la región. Los materiales o cultivares que se están trabajando es el Jarillo o amarillo criollo y el Gran Jarillo, ambos materiales provienen de la Colonia Tovar de Venezuela y del pueblo Jarillo Estado

    Improvement of the logistical process of entry and departure of goods from the supply warehouse (CDS) of the Colsubsidio organization

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    El artículo presenta un estudio de caso cuyo objetivo es validar diferentes propuestas de herramientas tecnológicas, que permitan automatizar los procesos de ingreso y salidas de mercancía de la bodega de suministros de la organización Colsubsidio, a los distintos puntos de atención en un menor tiempo y mitigando reprocesos. se analizan diferentes plataformas de sistemas operativos y manejadores de bases de datos, que proveen Logística Avanzada a Bodegas, los cuales puedan cumplir el objetivo de automatización. Como primer paso se determina un análisis cualitativo por medio de encuestas, para obtener la validación de la problemática. Seguido, se analiza cuantitativamente la variación existente entre los pedidos mensuales y el despacho de estos, en un periodo de tiempo determinado. Por último, se evalúan las características necesarias que debe cumplir la herramienta tecnológica para ser tenida en cuenta en el proceso de mejora de los ingresos y salidas de mercancías en la organización. Se realiza la recomendación de utilizar un sistema de tipo Warehouse Management System, los cuales trabajan con soluciones logísticas integrales y, ofrecen garantía de seguridad desde el inicio de su implementación, provee competitividad para la organización, al igual que integra un programa de ruteo que ayudaría a mejorar los tiempos de entregas. Se concluye, con la implementación del programa Blueyonder de la compañía Net Logistic, la bodega de suministros llegaría a mejorar la gestión con inventarios en línea, eliminación de reprocesos, disminución doble recorridos y errores manuales. Por lo tanto, se logrará obtener un control automatizado de su operaciónThe article presents a case study whose objective is to validate different proposals for technological tools, to automate the processes of entry and exit of merchandise from the supply warehouse of the Colsubsidio organization, to the different points of attention in a shorter time and mitigating reprocesses. Different operating systems platforms and database managers are analyzed, which provide Advanced Logistics to Warehouses, which can meet the automation objective. As a first step, a qualitative analysis is determined through surveys, to obtain the validation of the problem. Next, the variation between the monthly orders and the dispatch of, in a given period of time, is quantitatively analyzed. Finally, the necessary characteristics that the technological tool must meet are evaluated to be taken into account in the process of improving the income and exits of goods in the organization. The recommendation is made to the company to use a Warehouse Management System, which works with comprehensive logistics solutions and offers a security guarantee from the beginning of its implementation, provides competitiveness for the organization, as well as integrates a routing program that it would help improve delivery times. It is concluded, with the implementation of the Blueyonder program of the Net Logistic company, the supply warehouse, will improve management with online inventories, elimination of reprocesses, double reduction of trips and manual errors. Therefore, it will be possible to obtain an automated control of your operation.Especializació

    Petri Net Based Modelling of a Career Syllabus

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    A syllabus is a set of courses, their prerequisites and a set of rules definingthe continuance of a student in an academic program. The manual verification of thepossible contradictions between prerequisites and the set of rules is a difficult taskdue to the large number of possible cases. In this article we present the differentstages in the verification of a syllabus, its modelling and analysis using Petri nets,and suggested ways in which this may be used by the university administration in thedecision making process

    Evolution of geometrical design parameters for cast in place bridges built using the cantilever method

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    Cast-in-place bridges built using the cantilever method have been studied and evaluated. Also the theories used for their pre-dimensioning from 1978 to the present were compared, like the evolution of its design. The data were collected and obtained of transverse and longitudinal sections of 124 cast-in-place bridges built using the cantilever method in 29 countries and were subsequently evaluated. These 124 bridges are condensed into three groups by chronology, free span and by countries. These data are processed statistically and compared with classical values used in design. The analysis of results allows for parametric graphs associated with the design conditions. The conclusions shows how varying the geometric design parameters in time and how they will obtain optimal values that allows to design and build safer and economic bridges Se estudiaron puentes construidos con voladizos sucesivos in situ, en donde se evalúan y se comparan las teorías utilizadas para su predimensionamiento desde el 1978 hasta la actualidad, así como la evolución de su diseño. Se recopilaron los datos obtenidos de las secciones transversales y longitudinales de 124 puentes construidos en voladizos sucesivos in situ en 29 países y porteriormente fueron evaluados. Estos 124 puentes son condensados en tres grupos: por cronología, por luz libre y por países. Estos datos  son tratados estadísticamente y se comparan con los valores clásicos empleados en el diseño. El análisis de resultados permite obtener gráficas paramétricas asociadas a las condiciones de diseño. Las conclusiones muestran cómo varían los parámetros geométricos de diseño en el tiempo y como se van obteniendo valores óptimos que permiten diseñar y construir puentes más seguros y económicos

    Relationship between lexical frequency and vocabulary acquisition: how to acquire a language

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    ABSTRACT Vocabulary acquisition and language learning are very dynamic process in which many factors are in play. One of these is lexical frequency, which refers to how much frequently a word is uttered in a language. As such, it can be said that the more a word is present in a language, the easier it is to be acquired. In this study, we tried to find the relationship between lexical frequency and vocabulary acquisition in the process of learning a first and second language. The results of this study showed that there is indeed a relation between how frequently a word is used in a language and how quickly it is learned. Consequently, focusing on frequently used vocabulary might aid in the process of learning a language. However, it was found that it is difficult to choose a reliable frequency list that would give an accurate picture of a language. Frequency lists might vary depending on the context, although most still resemble each other in content. Additionally, although it has been demonstrated that frequency plays a big role in language learning, foreign language instruction has yet to catch up with lexical frequency in the classroom. KEYWORDS: Lexicon; Lexical competence; vocabulary; foreign language. Relación entre el léxico y la adquisición de vocabulario: cómo adquirir un idioma RESUMEN La adquisición de vocabulario y el aprendizaje de idiomas son procesos muy dinámicos en los que intervienen muchos factores. Uno de ellos es la frecuencia léxica, que se refiere a la frecuencia con que se pronuncia una palabra en un idioma. Así pues, puede decirse que cuanto más presente esté una palabra en un idioma, más fácil será su adquisición. En el presente estudio se ha tratado de encontrar la relación entre la frecuencia léxica y la adquisición de vocabulario en el proceso de aprendizaje de un primer y un segundo idioma. Los resultados de este estudio demostraron que existe efectivamente una relación entre la frecuencia con que se utiliza una palabra en un idioma y la rapidez con que se aprende. Por consiguiente, centrarse en el vocabulario de uso frecuente podría ayudar en el proceso de aprendizaje de un idioma. Sin embargo, se comprobó que es difícil elegir una lista de frecuencias fiable que dé una imagen exacta de un idioma. Las listas de frecuencias pueden variar según el contexto, aunque la mayoría de ellas siguen pareciéndose entre sí en cuanto a su contenido. Además, aunque se ha demostrado que la frecuencia desempeña un papel importante en el aprendizaje de idiomas, la enseñanza de idiomas extranjeros todavía no ha alcanzado la frecuencia léxica en el aula. PALABRAS CLAVE: Léxico; competencia léxica; vocabulario; idioma extranjer

    Next-Generation EU DataGrid Data Management Services

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    We describe the architecture and initial implementation of the next-generation of Grid Data Management Middleware in the EU DataGrid (EDG) project. The new architecture stems out of our experience and the users requirements gathered during the two years of running our initial set of Grid Data Management Services. All of our new services are based on the Web Service technology paradigm, very much in line with the emerging Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA). We have modularized our components and invested a great amount of effort towards a secure, extensible and robust service, starting from the design but also using a streamlined build and testing framework. Our service components are: Replica Location Service, Replica Metadata Service, Replica Optimization Service, Replica Subscription and high-level replica management. The service security infrastructure is fully GSI-enabled, hence compatible with the existing Globus Toolkit 2-based services; moreover, it allows for fine-grained authorization mechanisms that can be adjusted depending on the service semantics.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla,Ca, USA, March 2003 8 pages, LaTeX, the file contains all LaTeX sources - figures are in the directory "figures

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection